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Looking for a good time? Haha, you've came to the right place. Need a fix for your gambling needs? Well you'll no doubt spend your time here, originally set up as a small illegal ring, Sibyl decided it was best to make this place legal and expand it, now money floods in from people gambling. Though this may or may not have an effect on the Psycho-Pass of a person.
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Average apartments to say the least, not the most protected but enough to keep most basic criminals out of the place. The view is average, looking down on the night clubs and casino but at least it's a place to sleep and a place to keep your belongings.
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Ahh~ The perfect place to go get yourself a drink and a good night out. Where the drink and entertainment are both cheap and legal (mostly) just keep the people who life in the apartments in mind. The last thing you want is to find your CC is too high and ending up in jail for the night because of your raunchy behaviour.
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An abandoned nightclub turned into an HQ for the Night-walkers. There are 3 floors to be exact, but the public eye only knows and sees 1 floor. This place fits in with the rest of its bustling surroundings, and even serves as an actual place to go dance, spend your money, gamble, play cards, drink, and party during the day. During the night, however, this place is closed off to the public and serves as the Night-walkers base. Club 99 is actually very expensive-looking, but also very noisy and can get crowded easily. You could probably hear Club 99's music a few blocks before you've even reached the location.Despite the appearance of Club 99, it's well guarded and protected from sinister forces and/or any enemies that try and infiltrate the base. There are cameras and traps everywhere, you'd better be on your best behavior.
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